مساحة إعلانية

الجمعة، 22 يناير 2016

الجمعة، 22 يناير 2016

بكالوريا تجريبي في اللغة الأنجليزية مع التصحيح 2014

الشعبة : علوم تجريبية. رياضيات. تقني رياضي.  تسيير و اقتصاد
اختبار بكالوريا تجريبي في مادة اللغة الأنجليزية
دورة ماي 2014
الموضوع الأول
A/Comprehension and Interpretation (08pts) Read the text carefully then do the following activities:
            Corruption is the use and abuse of power for private purposes. These purposes are generally private personal
enrichment or for the benefit of the others. It is an illegal practice that can affect anyone with power, whether a politician, an
arbitrator, or a sportsman among other examples.
             Bribery is to offer money or service to anyone who holds power in exchange for an undue advantage. Corruption is
to accept that money. A common example is that of a politician who receives money in his personal account on the part of a
business and public work contracts in return he assigned a public market. This politician who has received money, could be
accused of passive corruption while the company can, however, be accused of bribery.
              No country is entirely free of corruption. But when corruption takes such proportions that it could hinder economic
growth and undermine efforts to establish good governance, it leads to the general disintegration of the social fabric.
Obstacles to sustainable development, corruption can potentially aggravate differences and encourage organized crime. In
fact, if corruption is growing unhindered, democracy, freedom and justice can hardly flourish..
              In recent years, efforts at the international level to fight corruption encourage transparency and accountability; and
they are on the increase. As a result, important victories have been won. Canada, to site one example, strongly supports the
international fight against corruption because it is both an obstacle to good governance, a problem of crime, and also
represents an obstacle to economic, social and political development.
                                                                                                  (Adapted from the Internet)
1- Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer: (0.5pt)
- The text is about:         a-     Corruption and business.
                                           b-    Corruption and its drawbacks.
                                           c-     The Canadian programme in fighting corruption.
2- Are the following statements True or False? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the
statement: ( 3pts)
a- Different fields of life are affected by corruption.
b- Any person who receives money is accused of bribery.
c- Corruption is an international phenomenon.
d- Canada is the only country which encourages the fight against corruption.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text. (3pts)
a- Which example does the author give to illustrate the meaning of corruption and bribery?
b- What are the effects of corruption?
c- Is the international community against corruption? If yes, why?
4- In which paragraph is the following idea mentioned? (1pt)
- The definition of corruption and its aims.
5- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (0.5pt)
It  (§1 ).............................     who   (§2 ) ..................................
B/ Text Exploration   ( 07points )     
1- Find in the text words that are synonyms  in meaning to the following. ( 2pts)
objectives ( §1)=.........    favour  ( §2)=........       barrier   ( §3)=.......               to combat   (§4) =..........

2- Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root.( 1pt)
illegal          -         justice          -             use               -              disintegration

3- Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the one given.(2pts)
A. a)  We should have organized ourselves into anti- corruption associations.
b)  It’s high time ……………………………………………………………….

B. a)  Governments cannot fight bribery alone.
b) Bribery …………………………………………………………………….

C. a)  The writer said: “Corruption is an obstacle to economic, social and political development.”   
b) The writer said ……………………………………………………………..

D. a)   I regret having accepted a bribe.
b) I wish ………………………………………………………………………

4- Imagine what “A” says and complete the dialogue below.( 1pt)
A: Did you watch yesterday’s documentary?
   B: yes I did. It was about immoral issues in Europe.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………  ?
   B: Oh yes, there are many cases of illegal practices in our country.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...  ?
   B: Bribery is an example of that.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..  ?
   B: Bribery is the illegal payment made to a person to persuade him / her to do you a favour.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….  ?
   B: We can fight bribery by teaching children about ethics and moral values.

5- Underline the stressed syllables in the following words. (1pt)
-ethics              -corruption           -democracy         -economic 

PART TWO: WRITING  (05 pts)          Choose only one topic                      

Either Topic One:  Using the notes below, write a composition about what should the international community
do to fight against corruption / bribery?
Ø High level of responsibility.
Ø Integrity and honesty.
Ø Careful collaboration between public authorities and organizations.
Ø Clear and stringent (strict) anti-corruption laws and policies.
Ø The United Nations should sign a document against corruption.

Or Topic Two:  Write a composition of about 80 words on the following topic:
              Advertising plays an important role in our daily life, but it is not always positive. In your opinion, what are its
negative aspects on individuals and society? Justify your opinion.

Good Luck!
Scientific Streams       Correction of الموضوع الأول: « Corruption »
PART ONE; READING   ( 15points )

A/ Comprehension and interpretation: (08points )
1- Choosing the general idea of the text:                                                                           (0.5pt)
b) The text is about:……………    b-    Corruption and its drawbacks
2- T/F statements:                                                                                                   (3pts =0.75pt x4)
a- T              b-  F                  c-  T                  d-  F

3- Answer Questions:                                                                                                (3pts =1ptx3)
a-The example the author gives to illustrate the meaning of corruption and bribery is:
A common example is that of a politician who receives money in his personal account on the part of a
business and public work contracts in return he assigned a public market.

b-The effects of corruption the following:                                                           
- It could hinder economic growth and undermine efforts to establish good governance.
- It leads to the general disintegration of the social fabric.
- can potentially aggravate differences and encourage organized crime.
-If it is growing unhindered, democracy, freedom and justice can hardly flourish…

c-Yes, it is because it is both an obstacle to good governance, a problem of crime, and also represents an
obstacle to economic, social and political development.

4- Locating the right paragraph: (§1 )                                                                            (1pt)
5- Cohesive markers:
    It (§1) à Corruption                  who(§2)  à  a politician                             (0.5pt =0.25 pt x2)

1- Finding synonyms in the text:                                                                        (1pt =0.25 pt x4)
Objectives = purposes   ( §1)         favour = advantage ( §2)       
Barrier =  obstacle ( §3)               to combat = to fight  (§4)

2- Giving the opposites to words in the text keeping the same root:              (1pt =0.25 pt x4)
          -legal               -INjustice                -MISuse               -integration

3- Paraphrasing with prompts:                                                                           (2pts =0.5 pt x4)
     a-    It’s high time we organized ourselves into anti- corruption associations.
b- Bribery cannot be fought
c- by governments alone .
c- The writer said that corruption was an obstacle to economic, social and political development.
d- I wish I had not accepted a bribe.

4- Dialogue completion:                                                                                  (2pts =0.5 pt x4)
A-1: Are there any cases of illegal practices in our country?
A-2: Can you give me an example?
A-3: Bribery! What does it mean?
A-4: How can we fight bribery?

5- The stressed Pattern:                                                                                         (1pt = 0.25 pt x4)
- Ethics              - coRRUPtion           - deMOcracy         - ecoNOmic 
          PART TWOWRITING   (05pts)

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