مساحة إعلانية

السبت، 16 يناير 2016

السبت، 16 يناير 2016

Grammar: Using articles

Grammar: Using articles
Articles are used to indicate whether a noun refers to a specific or a general item. The rules for using articles in English are
quite complex, so for students whose first language is not English, when to use an article, and which article to use can cause
problems. This fact sheet will not attempt to cover all the rules, but will just provide some of the basic rules for use on:
1. What is an article?
2. Some basic rules for using articles

1. What is an article?
There are two types of articles, definite and indefinite. However, in your choice about whether to use an article, or which
one to use, you have four possible choices: the, a, an, or no article.
● ‘the’ is known as the DEFINITE ARTICLE
● ‘a’ and ‘an’ are INDEFINITE ARTICLES
● no article is sometimes referred to as ZERO ARTICLE
In the twenty-first century, a number of undesirable practices have emerged as mobile phone usage spreads into everyday
life. In the workplace, employers report that many members of their staff use an individually-owned mobile phone to
socialise during work hours, resulting in loss of productive work time and effort (Jackson, 1998; James, 2004; Peters,
2005). In social settings, people comment that they are irritated by the intrusion of mobile phone conversations in
restaurants, theatres and other public venues. Waters (2010) observes that:
One sits in a restaurant, a lecture or just in a quiet public place. Suddenly, loud ringing or musical chimes interfere with the
social situation or peaceful setting. This is followed by a loud personal conversation. Surely, there needs to be a social code
of behaviour for mobile phone usage that needs to be observed. (para. 10)
Another worrying trend is that face-to-face social interaction seems to have been taken over by the tools of the mobile
phone. For example, an analysis of a survey of 2000 teenagers reveals that 93 percent of today’s youth terminate
relationships by voicemail or text messages rather than negotiate meaningful relationships (Jackson & Peters, 2009, p. 36).
Therefore, it is important that our society develops some social standards to monitor the use of mobile phones in our every-
day life.
Write the definite article the, the indefinite article a / an OR if zero article is needed write N
1__ Communication is 2__ activity in which 3__ information is transferred from 4__ sender to 5__ receiver via 6__ medium.
7__ Technology has greatly revolutionised 8__ communication process. For example, 9__ computer and 10__ Internet
allow for 11__ instant response over 12__ great distances.
1. N, 2. an, 3. N, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. N, 8. the, 9. the, 10. the, 11. an, 12. N

2. Some basic rules for using articles
The first thing you need to decide is whether the noun is countable or uncountable
Countable nouns in English are usually those that can take a plural form (e.g. lecture, lectures, essay, essays, student,
Uncountable nouns in English usually do not have a plural form. They include names for languages, subjects (biology,
economics, history), solids (iron, coal), liquids (water, oil), gases (oxygen, hydrogen), powders (sugar, flour). However,
some nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on the context or meaning. This group includes words like
paper, discipline, space. If you are unsure, most learner dictionaries (e.g. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of
Current English) will indicate whether a noun is countable or uncountable.
Rules for using the indefinite article (a/an)
1. The indefinite article (a, an) cannot be used with uncountable nouns or with plural nouns.
2. Use ‘an’ if the word immediately after the article begins with a, e, i, o or u, except where the ‘u’ is pronounced like a ‘y’
(e.g. an apple, an egg, an interesting result, an odd couple, an umbrella, BUT a university).
3. Use a, an when you first mention a singular countable noun.
4. Use zero article when you first mention a plural noun or an uncountable noun.
The definite article (the) can be used for specific references to countable nouns
Rules for using the definite article (the)
1. Use thefor the second and subsequent references to an item. The item could be explicity referred to, or implied (e.g.
the committee has approved a new policy. the policy...) (A survey was administered to.... the results showed that ... )
2. Use thewhen you use ‘most’ as the superlative form (e.g. the most critical step is...)
3. Use thewhen using ordinal forms to show order or number (e.g. the first students to graduate were...; the last students
to leave...)
4. Use thewhen using words that specify a particular item (e.g. the same student, the only essay, the principal reason)
5. Use thefor reference to an item that is understood by all speakers (the sun, the planets, the moon, the stars)
The examples above refer to specific, real items. You may also need to refer more generally to an entire class of
things, or to a representative of that class.
Rules for using articles (a/an, the, zero article) for classes of things
1. Use the definite article (the) to refer to an entire class of things (e.g. The mobile phone has revolutionised
2. Use the indefinite article (a/an) with a singular countable noun to refer to a representative of the class of things (e.g. A
mobile phone is a prime example of how technology has shaped our lives.)
3. Use zero article with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns to refer to a representative of the class of things
(e.g. Mobile phones have revolutionised . . . ;Technology is revolutionising the way people communicate.)

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