مساحة إعلانية

الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

Written Expressions 3rd Year Classes topic 47-55

Written Expressions 3rd Year Classes

Unit Four: Safety first


Advertising and  promotion are two related marketing tools, both widely used in the modern world. Discuss
the difference between advertising and promotion.

Typical Essay:
  Advertising and promotion  are two related marketing tools, both widely used in the modern world. At first
glance, it may be difficult to understand what exactly the difference between advertising and promotion is,
since they both use many of the same techniques, and apply them for very similar ends. A few things
differentiate advertising and promotion from one another, including the scope of time involved, overall cost,
impact on sales, the purpose, and what kind of companies the technique is suitable for.
  Both advertising and promotion are types of marketing, involved in getting information about a product out
to the buying public. Advertising is usually undertaken by mid- to large-level firms, which come up with
cohesive messages that help strengthen the brand and aim to build long term sales. Advertising includes things
like buying radio or television spots, printing up advertisements in regional or national papers, hiring guerrilla
marketing teams to spread the word about the product, or  billboard or poster campaigns.
  Advertising has at its goal not only an increase in sales in the short- to mid-term, but also a strengthening of
the brand and image of the company and products, to build long-term sales and consumer loyalty. Advertising
is a costly endeavor, and it can be months or even years before results are seen from a successful ad campaign.
As a result, measuring sales directly from advertising can be difficult, although overall trends will of course be
noticeable. Advertising is, as a result of its long-term agenda and high cost, best suited for large companies, or
larger medium-sized companies, which have the budget for comprehensive campaigns, and a higher interest in
building long-term sales.
  Promotion, on the other hand, is a more short-term strategy. Although brand-building may occur as a result
of promotions, it is not the point. The only real purpose of a promotional campaign is to build sales in the short
term, either to move a company back into the black, to build capital reserves for expansion, or as a long-term
strategy of constant promotional pushes to reach sales goals. Promotions include things like two-for-one
specials, coupons in the local or regional paper, free samples, or special in-store events.
  Because promotions are so easy to set up, and tend to be created for short-term gains, they are well-suited to
small- or medium-sized companies. Although  ad agencies may come up with promotional campaigns as part
of a larger ad campaign, promotions are the sort of thing that even a one-person company can put together to
help drive sales. This is not to say that larger companies don’t use promotions, of course, and many rely heavily
on promotions in tandem with larger regional or national ad campaigns. Coupons, heavily discounted
products, and value-added services like technical support are all examples of promotions that might be used by
national chains.
  There is, of course, a great deal of overlap between advertising and promotion. The two disciplines feed and
support one another, and healthy ad campaigns often rely on promotions, and visa versa. For example, a
company may offer a two-for-one coupon on a product for two weeks before christmas , with this promotion
expected to bring in more business. For months before hand, the same company would likely have an ad
campaign pushing that same product, and the campaign would continue for months after the promotion. The
promotion, in this case, serves to bring a surge of interest in at a specific time during the ad campaign, helping
to make the campaign more effective.


Write a composition on the dangers of food poisoning.

Typical Essay:

  Food poisoning is a common, usually mild, but sometimes deadly illness. It comes from eating foods that
contain germs like bad bacteria or toxins, which are poisonous substances. Typical symptoms include nausea,
vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea that occur suddenly (within 48 hours) after consuming a
contaminated food or drink. Depending on the contaminant, fever and chills, bloody stools, dehydration, and
nervous system damage may follow. These symptoms may affect one person or a group of people who ate the
same thing (called an outbreak).
  Foods from animals, raw foods, and unwashed vegetables all can contain germs that cause food poisoning.
The most likely source is food from animals, like meat, poultry (such as chicken), eggs, milk, and shellfish
(such as shrimp).
Some of the most common bacteria are:
· Salmonella
· Listeria
· Campylobacter e.coli 
  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that in the United States, food poisoning
causes about 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and up to 5,000 deaths each year. One of the most
common bacterial forms of infection, the salmonellae organisms, account for $1 billion in medical costs and lost
work time.
  Worldwide, diarrheal illnesses are among the leading causes of death. Travelers to developing countries often
encounter food poisoning in the form of traveler's diarrhea or "Montezuma’s revenge." Additionally, there are
possible new global threats to the world's food supply through terrorist actions using food toxins as weapons.
As a conclusion, I would like to say that it is necessary for people to avoid food poisoning, to prepare, cook,
and store foods properly.


Which one do you prefer: organic food or processed foods? Give arguments.

Typical Essay:

Organic food is food which has been produced to standards designed to keep the production more 'natural'. 
Fewer, if any, chemicals are used and most pesticides are banned - when they are used they are very carefully

For example in the UK, there are various bodies to certify food and producers as organic. One of the main
ones is the Soil Association which checks organic foods are organic, runs campaigns to educate the public,
helps farmers switch to organic farming and carries out scientific research into organic farming.

  Some people say organic foods are better than processed foods because with processed foods there can be
hidden fats, salt and sugar that can go in during the processing. Food certified as organic is not allowed to
contain GM (genetically modified) ingredients.

  Eaters of organic food think that it tastes better. Some people buy organic meat because the animals are
treated better. In addition, there is not the risk of farming chemicals affecting water supplies.

  Another thing that is not allowed is giving drugs like antibiotics and hormones to animals. Animals have to be
kept in certain ways. Chickens, for example, have to be free to scratch about and get plenty of sunlight, among
other things.


Write a composition in which you discuss the difference between natural and organic foods.

Typical Essay:
  Not long ago, organic would have been defined as those things derived from plant or living materials. Today
there are strict standards in many countries about what foods can be labeled organic. The terms organic and
natural can be confusing ones because they may imply things that are made from nature, but aren't
necessarily the same.
  Foods can be labeled organic and natural, which means they tend to lack chemically produced substances,
but when a food is called organic, this takes the matter one step further. It means that the producer of the food
has created the food under strict and regulated circumstances. Government organizations like the US
Department of Agriculture create standards, which foods must meet in order to be considered organic and
carry an organic label. These foods tend to be free of  hormones , are only treated with pesticides considered
“organic,” and the food is produced in a region where  organic food production is possible. It can take several
years for a farm to convert to the standards required to consistently get that organic label.
  Sometimes the line between organic and natural is confused because it would make sense to think of foods
that are minimally processed as containing no pesticides. One of the main differences between organic and
natural is the way the government defines these terms. When you buy organic foods they must meet certain
defined standards.
  At present most governments do not have an official definition of natural. They may go so far as to describe
natural as not chemically produced, but there is little to no certification for “natural foods” or things called “all-
natural.” When a food is natural, that really doesn’t tell you much about it, nor does the description guarantee
a certain purity or safety of the product. A natural food, unless otherwise labeled, is not an organic food.
  It’s important to understand the main differences between organic and natural then as regulatory and
referring to foods that may have minimal processing. Some natural foods can be defined as foods left in close to
original form. This is not always the case, as for instance with terms like natural flavoring. Natural flavors can
be made in laboratories and contain things we wouldn’t ordinarily think of as food sources like certain oils or
meat byproducts. These flavors do have to be made of foods, but they are foods that have no nutritive value in
a product, and may or may not have been produced organically.

The food diary is one of the most recommended items for those who are trying to diet. Discuss.

Typical Essay:
  A food diary is a daily account of what a person eats over a certain period of time. In addition to the foods
eaten, a food diary may have a place to make note of any particular foods and how they made a person feel,
whether they caused acid problems,  indigestion or other issues. The food diary is one of the most
recommended items for those who are trying to diet.
  The foods listed in a food diary are very important. Once they are listed, subsequent columns then record how
large the portion was and how many calories that portion is estimated to have had. Of course, many times,
because most do not exactly weigh out their foods, there will be minor differences in the food diary and what is
actually consumed.
  Once adequate records have been recorded, it is then possible to compare from week to week what the caloric
intake is. This is vital when dieting because, despite all the fad diets on the planet, the main key is still
determining how many calories went in. A comparison of each week, month, and perhaps year can help those
dieting make sure they are on the right track.
  Some may decide to put their weight down on a food diary, at least once a week. While this is a personal
decision and is either right or wrong, many dietitians recommend against being so preoccupied with weight,
absent any serious health concerns. This is because it may be easy to get discouraged if a week does not go
exactly as planned. In the end, the calories are the most important of all measurements.
  Many may be hesitant to keep a food diary, feeling it takes too much time. However, to help those who feel
this way, there are a number of programs. Some food diaries can be bought, or templates can be printed out
from a word processing program. Some food diaries are offered in the form of interactive spread sheets, which
help keep things very organized and may even be set up to handle all the math for the individual.
  It may not be necessary to keep a food diary in order to lose weight, but it can be a very helpful aid,
according to dietitians. Those who are trying to lose weight should at least consider the benefits a food diary
offers and perhaps keep one on a trial basis. However, no food diary should discourage anyone from dieting. It
may be that other methods are more effective for some individuals.

Pasteurization is one of the most important safety measures. Discuss.

Typical Essay:
  In 1864, a French man named Louis Pasteur discovered that liquids such as milk could be heated to a
temperature slightly below boiling and held there for a set amount of time to eliminate the most harmful
bacteria. The process of pasteurization is named after Louis Pasteur in recognition of his immense contribution
to food safety and disease theory . Grocery stores carry a wide array of pasteurized goods including milk,
juices, non-dairy milks, and other similar food products. Many nations require that foods be pasteurized for
  Pasteurization relies on the principle that most harmful bacterial can be killed by heat. The most effective way
to kill bacteria is boiling, but this compromises the flavor of the liquid. Pasteurization strikes a happy medium,
keeping the flavor delicious while making the food safer. In addition to minimizing the risk of sickness,
pasteurization also makes foods more shelf stable and less likely to rot, meaning that fresh dairy products and
juices are available to more people.
  There are two primary methods of pasteurization: the liquid can be heated to 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63
degrees Celsius) and held there for at least thirty minutes, or the liquid can be flash pasteurized at 161 degrees
Fahrenheit (72 degrees Celsius) for a minimum of 16 seconds. Pasteurization can be done using a continuous
method, where the liquid flows through a pasteurization system, or by using a batch method, where one batch
of the liquid is pasteurized at a time. Continuous pasteurization is popular for large producers, because it does
not slow the supply line as much as batch pasteurization does.
  Pasteurization must be performed on clean equipment. If bacteria is introduced after the liquid has been
pasteurized, it can colonize it and potentially cause an outbreak of food borne illness. For this reason,
companies which perform pasteurization are subject to frequent inspections to ensure that the equipment they
are using is safe, and that the liquids they are pasteurizing are being handled correctly.
  After pasteurization, bacteria can still appear. It is important that foods be safely handled and stored at every
step of the supply process from animal, fruit or vegetable to stomach. In most cases, after food is pasteurized it
should be refrigerated. The food is held in refrigeration until it is shipped out in cooled trucks to grocery stores,
which store the food under refrigeration until consumers purchase it. Home consumers are responsible for
following directives regarding temperature to ensure that the foods they are consuming are safe.


Proper storage practices can help you keep foods fresher longer and minimize the risk of foodborne illness.

Typical Essay:
  When you're dealing with food storage safety, the adage "When in doubt throw it out," should always be the
first thing on your mind. But before you get to that point, take some time to learn the basics about food storage
safety. First, look for expiration dates. This is very important if you're trying to avoid getting sick. It's also
important to note you should be looking at expirations dates when you purchase your food. While most stores
do a good job of tossing out the bad stuff before you get it up to the counter, they do occasionally miss an item
or two.
  Milk and dairy products should be thrown out by their expiration dates as a hard and fast rule of food storage
safety. The softer the cheese the shorter the shelf life  will be, even in the fridge. Store cheese,sour cream ,
butter, milk, or other dairy products in an air tight container or a zip lock bag to prevent refrigerator smells
from leaching into your dairy and altering their taste. If your mother used to hassle you about drinking
directly from the milk container, she had good reason. First, the bacteria in your mouth find milk to be a great
breeding ground, especially if the fridge is not kept cold enough or the milk is often in and out of the
refrigerator. So while drinking out of the milk container can cause the milk to spoil faster, it's also unsanitary.
Keep the fridge set at about 38 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees C) and milk should be good for 5-7 days after
  When dealing with cooked meat remember that after 2 hours, at room temperature, cooked meat must be
thrown out. You can store cooked meat for 3-5 days in refrigerator. This is true of beef, poultry, and pork.
Processed meats, like lunch meat , have a very low tolerance for warmer temperatures. It will only be good for
about 2-3 days in the fridge and should be thrown out a week after opening.
  Raw meat can be especially dangerous as bacteria continue to grow even in the refrigerator, be very careful to
note expiration dates. Meat and food storage safety is especially important when dealing with raw meat. First,
when it comes to beef, color alone is not the indicator that you're looking for, it's smell. Slime, stickiness, and
odor are more important indicators, in any meat, that you're dealing with bad meat. In air tight vacuum bags
you can store meat up to six months in the freezer and up to 2-3 days in refrigerator.
  Depending on the fruit and vegetable storage times can vary. Apples are the overall exception and will last up
to a month in the fridge. guavas  and papayas  will only last about a day or two. Most other fruits will last
between 3-5 days. In general most vegetables should last 3-5 days and some will last as long as a week.
  Food storage safety should be at the top of your mind when putting foods away. Keep meats on the bottom of
the fridge, just in case of leakage. Keep fruits and vegetables in the drawers, this is to prevent excessive
moisture and prolong their shelf life. Foods that can tolerate warmer temperatures, like ketchup  are good on
the door or at the front of the refrigerator. Foods that need the cold should be in the back, including eggs.
Keeping foods in their proper chill zone will help to keep you healthy and is a major contributor to food storage

Food safety has become one of the major worries for mankind. Discuss.

Typical Essay:

  Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of  food  in ways that
prevent food-borne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially
severe health hazards.
   food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium for bacteria that can
cause food poisoning. Debates on genetic food safety include such issues as impact of genetically modified food
on health of further generations and genetic pollution of environment, which can destroy natural biological
  In developed countries there are intricate standards for food preparation, whereas in lesser developed countries
the main issue is simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item.  It is strongly
advised that the blood of raw meat is dripped over/in your oven once a month this makes all your food more

Write a composition in which you predict the possible changes our life styles will likely witness in the next few

Typical Essay:

We may live a totally different life in the next few decades because modernity has brought with it a new life
style. Nowadays, people take less time to eat, go to fast food shops to gulp hamburgers, hot dogs and chips. In
the future, we might have conventional food being replaced by food substitutes like pills, or we might get our
nutrients out of crude oil; that would shorten meal times even further. Conversely, many people are prepared
to spend more time shopping in supermarkets and on the net. A lot of them are now becoming shop addicted,
buying products that they don’t really need. Their number will rise further in the near future.

  This is partly because it is much easier to shop, especially as more and more supermarkets are equipped with
fast serving cash desks prevent long queues. In the future, shop assistants may be replaced by robots which
could actually do the same job as them, with greater efficiency and in less time. That of course would probably
have side effects like an increase in unemployment.
  Leisure will also change, because of the development of all sorts of electronic devices, like the multimedia,
cable television and other contrivances. People will be less tempted to go out for a film, a player or a concert.
They’ll play even less visits to each other because the cell phone is such a convenient way to keep in touch. And
what to say about the Internet through which people can instantly chat with and watch each other via web
cams. Alternatively, we’ll have more free time to enjoy holidays at lower prices in distant places.

  But is this life of the future the kind of life people would like to have? Couldn’t modernity preserve social
relations and be a means to an end rather than an end in itself?

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