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الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

Written Expressions 3rd year classes topic 40-46

Written Expressions 3rd Year Classes

Unit Four: Safety first


Advertising is present in almost every aspect of daily life. Discuss.
Typical Essay:

  Advertising is used to publicize a product, service, or idea. Many types of advertising are available for the
purpose of building brand awareness and increasing product sales. Advertising is present in almost every
aspect of daily life.
  Before deciding what types of advertising are best, it is important for a company to define the audience they
want to target. The specific group which a product is marketed towards is their target audience.
Demographic information such as age, gender, education, and income level helps define a target audience.
Placing your message in advertising venues focusing on this group, or demographic, is called target
marketing and is essential to effective advertising.
  Print mediums like magazines, brochures, and newspapers allow the marketer’s message to reach their
target audience on the page. Magazines include articles and images intended to attract a specific type of
consumer. Magazine publishers have extensive demographic information on their readers, allowing
marketers to tailor advertising to speak specifically to their potential customers.
  Broadcast advertising includes TV, radio, and Internet messages. Traditional forms of these types of
advertisements are commercials shown during a television program or before a movie. Product placement
advertising is a less obvious way to promote a product. With product placement types of advertising,
companies pay to have their product used by a character in the program. When you see someone in a TV
show or movie using a specific brand, this is product placement, or covert advertising.
  One of the first instances bringing product placement to the public’s attention was in 1982 when the movie
E.T. was released. In this movie, characters are seen eating Reese’s Pieces® candy. Sales of Reese’s
Pieces® increased substantially as a result of their visibility in this incredibly popular movie, generating
publicity about the effectiveness of this type of advertising.
  Internet promotion is one of the newer types of advertising and can be accomplished in a number of ways.
Flash advertising refers to messages that jump onto your computer screen and often move around. They can
be hard to close and are annoying, but effective at gaining your attention.
  Pop up and scrolling ads are other examples of these types of advertising. Pay per click advertising refers
to marketers paying to have their web pages placed high on search engine results pages. These are also
called sponsored links.
  Outdoor advertising utilizes billboards and signage. These types of advertising include using cars with
promotional messages on them, or large signs placed on the sides of buses. They can also be signs on
scoreboards or in stadiums drawing the attention of large crowds and television coverage at sporting event
Modern advertising uses language, pictures, sound and colors to sell the products as well as possible.

Typical Essay:

  At the beginning of production, advertising will inform you what a product is like, where you can get it and
how much it costs. Later, it is necessary to persuade the people to keep on buying or attract new customers
to buy. Modern advertising uses language, pictures, sound and colors to sell the products as well as possible.

  The best times for commercials are the times at which people wait for something special like the news or
sports. At these times advertising can be very successful, but it is also very expensive.

  TV is one of the most powerful advertising medium, because you can get very detailed information about a
product. Depending on your target group you have to decide the time, when your spot shall be shown. It is not
useful broadcasting an ad about cars in the children’s programmers because this is not your target group,
they cannot buy a car. In the afternoon there are many films on TV, which are interrupted regularly. At that time
can be very expensive. In fact, TV-adverts have a strange impact. You might have noticed how well you can
remember slogans long after the spot is over.

  The prices for full-page-adverts in national newspapers are roughly the same as for TV spots, but you can
also place smaller adverts in the print media. In local newspapers you only pay a few pounds. The problem of
adverts in newspapers and magazines is, that they can attract the reader’s eyes only. This problem can be
solved by considering several factors:

• Only use right-hand pages for newspaper adverts, because you first look at the right side.
• The color is an important fact. Red signals mean danger and colors of the dusk make us feel comfortable
and save.
• The layout and the text are also very important parts of newspaper adverts. The layout may take the readers
look at the main information, and the text is just to inform interested people.

  Direct mailing is another form of advertising. The companies get a list of names and addresses and send
leaflets to those people who might be interested in their products. Some people find this direct mailing
irritating, wasteful and unsightly, so the leaflets land in the rubbish bin.

  Some people say, that advertising persuade people to buy things they don’t need and to be wasteful, but
advertising also means creating more jobs. Regardless whether we like advertisements or not, advertising
has become indispensable in our economies. It has become a market of its own and it offers a high number
of jobs. Moreover, advertisements are an important source of information for the public. And there is
something that we should not forget: Advertising enables us to afford such “luxuries” like TV and newspapers,
because without it, they would be considerably more expensive.


Newspaper advertising is one of the most common ways to advertise in many countries. Discuss.

Typical Essay:

  Newspaper advertising is one of the most common ways to advertise in many countries. Often cheaper than
broadcast advertising, newspaper advertising usually provides advantages of greater market share in many
locations. Also, newspaper advertising does not depend on the target audience having a television or radio
on at a certain time in order to receive the message of the advertisement.
  Newspaper advertising comes in two major division: display or classified. Newspaper ads considered
display ads are those that span multiple columns horizontally and often include graphics and borders.
Classified newspaper advertising is in-column advertising that follows the natural flow of the column down the
page vertically.
  Classified advertising is usually the cheapest option for most people and appeals to those who are after a
certain market. For example, those seeking to rent an apartment, find a job, or buy a pet typically may use
classified ads to aid in their searching. Although not traditional to classified ads, many publications offer
small graphics and borders with classified ads. Classified ads are usually found in a specific section.
  Display ads are generally higher profile ads that take up, in many cases, significant portions of the page.
Typically, display ads may take up an eighth, quarter, half or full page. In some cases, the ad may take up two
facing pages, those these ads are rare in newspaper advertising simply because of the cost. Display ads
may either be in color or black and white, with the color option costing more. Display ads can be found
throughout the paper.
  In many cases, newspapers offer services to advertisers to help them design effective display pieces. In all
cases, the advertiser has the right to refuse or accept this service. In some cases, the newspaper may
choose not to publish an ad that it deems offensive or libelous. However, newspapers must be careful when
rejecting ads and often work with the advertiser to revise the ad so it is suitable for publication.
  In a relatively new development, some newspapers offer a package of advertising that not only includes
newspaper advertising but online advertising on the newspaper's Web site as well. This helps alleviate fears
among some advertisers that their target audience may not be reading the newspaper, but simply going
online. Most newspapers that have Web sites offer some sort of online advertising in addition to their
newspaper advertising, though not all publications package the two together.
Nearly all magazines depend on the revenue generated by their advertisers to stay in business.
Typical Essay:
  Magazine advertising is the ads you see placed throughout publications. Starting up or maintaining a
magazine is dependent on a few factors, but one of the most important is advertising. Magazine advertising
can make or break a publication. Nearly all magazines depend on the revenue generated by their advertisers
to stay in business.
  It is very important to have magazine advertising in place before a new publication is placed on the market.
At the beginning, the revenue from ads can pay for staff wages and help with the startup costs. Not only that,
but the right type of advertisement placed through a magazine can also boost the magazine's sales.
  The diversity of magazines available today is staggering. From dog lovers to funeral directors, there seems
to be a magazine for everyone. Advertisers are aware that a strategically placed ad in the right magazine can
improve their business many times over.
  If you look at the glossy magazines, they seem to be almost 80% advertisements. The reason for this is that
magazines such as GQ or Vogue are seen as aspirational magazines. The magazine advertising within their
pages reflects the message of the magazine and the audience they are trying to reach.
  People who read GQ or Vogue are supposedly the elite in terms of lifestyle. They are up to the minute in
areas such as fashion and they have a large disposable income. The magazine advertising in GQ and Vogue
caters specifically to that audience - designer clothes, high performance cars, luxury living. Whole features
can be written around a product.
  Sometimes a product is interwoven through a feature without the reader being aware of it. It may be a
feature on a day at a certain spa in which a number of products are mentioned. The magazine advertising in
this feature is not only the spa, but also the products used at the spa. These types of articles are seen as
advice givers, and their potential for pushing a product is huge. They can market the product to millions of
people through their recommendation in the magazine.
  Billions of dollars are spent annually on magazine advertising. Because of the amount of money involved,
the brands that are being advertised, more often than not, have a say in what will be in the magazine. They
can stipulate where they would like the ad, what type of content should be placed next to it and even what
should not be in the magazine in which they are placing the ad.
  Magazine advertising is one of the most powerful marketing tools available. An ad placed in a magazine
can improve sales enormously. Editors are, however, aware of the editorial changes that can be made by
corporations through magazine advertising. Magazine advertising by major corporations nearly always has a
content impact on the magazine. This editorial power has to be weighed up when deciding on the advertising
and the money involved.

Online advertising has become one of the common ways to advertise in many countries. Discuss.

Typical Essay:
   Online advertising is simply advertising that is done over the Internet. For those interested in such a
strategy, there are a number of options and some have found a way to advertise online through things that do
not appear to be traditional advertising mediums. While the effects of online advertising are still being
studied, it is a rapidly-growing segment of the advertising dollar.
  As more people turn to the Internet as a source for daily news, socialization and communication, more
advertising dollars are likely to be spent. In fact, in a period of five years, from 2006 to 2010, online
advertising is expected to increase from 6 percent of all money spent for advertising, to 12 percent or more.
That could signify the beginning of a fundamental shift in how all advertising dollars are spent.
  Online advertising is also quickly becoming a serious force for other types of advertising media to deal with.
Newspapers and magazines all over the world are facing a number of different challenges, including loss of
ad revenue. Many attribute some of those struggles to online advertising, which is not only taking a share of
the advertising, but a share of the audience as well. This is especially true of the young adult male audience,
which is a target  <http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-demography.htm>demographic of many advertisers.
  However, newspapers and magazines are not the only media dealing with lower revenue. The remarkable
thing about online advertising is its ability to cut across the spectrum. For example, online ads can look like
television commercials or print ads. The possibilities are limitless. Further, because of hypertext linking,
advertisers have the power to transport potential buyers directly to their site, or a site selling their products.
  In some cases, online advertising may not look like advertising at all. There was one case where a video
was put on an online video sharing Web site supposedly showing  <http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-
popcorn.htm>popcorn being popped by radiation put out from mobile phones. While this was later revealed
as a  <http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-hoax.htm>hoax, the company that put the video online received a
substantial amount of free, or nearly free, publicity. The company sold headset devices meant to help limit an
individual's exposure to radiation.
  Online advertising is also appealing to some advertisers because, with some types of ads, there is no pay
unless there are results. With click-through advertising, the advertiser only pays if a user clicks on the ad. This
type of strategy can make advertising very cost effective, especially for those who do not have large
advertising budgets.


Some people think that the radio is a less effective advertising means. Discuss.

Typical Essay:
  While many people may view radio as a less popular medium than the Internet or television, the truth is that
radio still manages to penetrate areas of our daily lives still off-limits to other media. Consumers can listen to
radio in their vehicles, in waiting rooms, in many restaurants and a number of grocery stores. Radio
advertising targets that captive audience through a series of 30 second or 60 second spots which promote
products or services in a memorable way.
  Radio advertising is based on the idea of creating an audio-only environment and placing the listener inside
of it. A typical radio spot features a professional voice-over artist reading descriptive copy over an
appropriate bed of background music. Important information may be repeated several times over the course
of the spot, such as contact phone numbers, addresses, website URLs, or a geographical reference. As one
spot of radio advertising ends, another spot begins and the process continues until the program resumes.
  Some radio advertising can be very elaborate, using several different voice actors to perform a short
comedic spot or customized music to punch up the most important parts of the advertising copy. Other radio
advertising, especially when produced by a local radio station, is more straightforward, with a recognizable
disk jockey or business owner providing the voice-over. Depending on the size of the radio station and the
client's budget, on-air talent may be responsible for the production of radio advertising or it may be farmed
out to a professional advertising agency to achieve the client's vision.
  Because radio station managers have a limited number of minutes available for advertising during an
average hour, radio spots tend to last either 30 or 60 seconds. A station may build in several scheduled
breaks during an hour, typically at twenty minutes or so after the top of the hour and twenty minutes before the
top of the next hour. If there is enough radio advertising spots available, additional breaks at ten minutes
before the hour and ten minutes after the hours may be added. Each break may have two to three minutes
allotted for spots, which can be introduced with a station jingle or a longer promotion called a sweep.
  Advertisers generally pay for the number of times a particular radio spot is played, or "dropped" in radio
lingo. A radio ad dropped primarily during the overnight hours may be less expensive than a similar ad
dropped during the popular morning or afternoon drive times. Radio advertising, especially for a popular
station with a powerful transmitter, can be a considerable expense up front, but the number of potential
listeners within range of the station is often exponentially higher than subscribers to local newspapers or
regular viewers of local television stations.

The better colors are, the more effective your advertising is. Discuss.

Typical Essay:
The best colors for advertising are those that make people comfortable or stimulate their senses. A color
scheme that incorporates warm colors encourages people to linger, leading restaurants to choose deep
burgundy, burnt orange and similar colors. They stimulate warmth and comfort, and when people relax over
dinner, they are more likely to enjoy a leisurely dessert or a nice cup of coffee, thus spending more money.
  Hot colors are some of the best colors for advertising when it comes to products like fast food. Bright red
and yellow are hot colors, indicative of fire, and they stimulate excitement. Warm and hot colors will
encourage people to eat more, which translates to revenue. Virtually all logos, advertisements and menus of
fast food chains feature these colors, which is no accident. Companies rely on the extensive research that
has been done in this field, to get the most for their advertising dollars.
  Cool colors have their own niche. Colors like green and blue are some of the best colors for advertising
when it comes to over the counter medicines and other health products. Blue is associated with tranquility,
and also represents water, a life force. The color blue can actually slow a person's heart rate, and it reduces
appetite, (which is why is not chosen for restaurants). Certain shades of blue indicate dependability, making
it a good color for business ads. Blue is also a popular color for uniforms, worn by mail carriers, security
guards and other officials. Darker blue uniforms are usually worn by more authoritative figures, such as police
  It has been debated whether or not blue is one of the best colors for advertising online. Many websites use
at least some blue in their color schemes. Whether or not it is one of the best colors for advertising, it is a
popular choice for online ads. Colors like sky blue and certain shades of green can also be effective since
they evoke the feeling of being outdoors.
  According to research, black and white can be two of the best colors for advertising. They are used to
signify power and create a sense that the company is highly professional. Often a splash of color, such as
red, is included to accent the starkness, but the main colors are black and white.
  You may wish to hire someone to choose the best colors for advertising your business or product, and
develop a color scheme for you. Or, conduct an experiment: look over several websites and see which ones
you are most comfortable viewing. Which ones influence you to linger? Content is of course important, but
don't underestimate the influence of color.

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