مساحة إعلانية

الثلاثاء، 12 يناير 2016

الثلاثاء، 12 يناير 2016

Grammar rules Unit Five

Unit Five: Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences indicate that a certain action can/could be performed only if a certain condition is/was
true. The following are different types of English conditional sentences.

1) Present Habitual Conditional Sentences
This type of sentence is about something that I generally do if a certain condition is true:

If I feel tired in the afternoon, I usually take a nap.

Note that in this type of sentence, we use the simple present tense in both “clauses” (A “clause” is a group of
words that is like a sentence in that it includes a subject and a verb).

2) Future Conditional Sentences
This type of sentence is about something that I will do in the future if a certain condition is true. I can use the
word will or other modal verbs, like can/may/might/must/should:

If I save enough money, I will take a trip to my native country this summer.
If I get a job, I might move to a new apartment.

Note that in this type of sentence, we use the simple present tense in the “if-clause” and a modal verb in the
other clause.

3) Present/Future “Unreal” Conditional Sentences
This type of sentence is about something that I can’t do because the condition is not true. I can use the word
would or other modal verbs, like could or might:

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a car.
If I didn’t have so much work to do, I could go out with my friends more often.
If I had more free time, I might take guitar lessons.

If Jean were a rich man, he would buy a house for his family.
I would study harder for this test if I were you.
If Yelena were in her native country, she would visit her family.

Note that in this type of sentence, we use the simple past tense in the “if-clause” and a modal verb in the other
clause, although we are not talking about the past, so this is a special use of the past tense. Note also that we do
not use the “third person singular” form was in this type of sentence, but we always use the word were.

4) Past “Unreal” Conditional Sentences
This type of sentence is about something that I couldn’t do in the past because the condition was not true. I can
use the word would or other modal verbs, like could or might, then the word have, then the past participle
of a verb:

If I had had a lot of money last year, I would have bought a car.
If I hadn’t had so much work to do last night, I could have gone out with my   friends.
If I had had more free time last summer, I might have taken guitar lessons.

Jean would have bought a house for his family last year if he had had enough   money.
I would have gotten a better mark on that test if I had studied harder.
I would have spent a lot of time with my family last summer if I had been able   to go to my
native country.

Note that that in this type of sentence, we use the “past perfect tense” in the “if-clause,” although this is not the
normal meaning of the past perfect tense, because we are not talking about a “past action that occurs before
another past action or time.” In the other clause, we use a “past modal verb form” (past modal, plus have, plus
a past participle of a verb).  Note also that in saying this type of sentence, we often use “contractions” or
shortened forms of verbs, as in the following example:

If I’d had a lot of money last year, I’d’ve bought a new car.
(If I had had a lot of money last year, I would have bought a new car.)

The verb “wish”
After the verb wish, we use the past or past perfect tense in the same way as in the “if-clause” pf the above
conditional sentences, as in the following examples:

I wish I had a lot of money.
I wish I could play the piano.

I wish I had studied harder for this test.
I wish I hadn’t stayed up so late last night.
Grammar Observation Exercise
Notice the use of verbs in the following conditional sentences (These are not errors, but examples of correct use
of grammar by students):

1. Even if women didn’t love their husbands, they couldn’t get away from them.
2. I said it would be so hard for me if I lost the dog again.
3. I wonder what kind of father I would be if I were born as a boy.
4. If I were a father, I would buy my son or daughter a bike and teach him or her how to
    ride it.
5. The girl said, “Even if I could play the piano, I would never go on TV!”
6. If we look at “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, we can see how the mother is being
7. If the daughter were in China, she would have to listen to her mother.
8. People cannot come back if they take a wrong path.
9. If I had a sister, I would not feel lonely at home.
10. If parents want to have a good relationship with their children, they must communicate with and listen to
11. If my mother didn’t work, our family wouldn’t have enough money.
12. If I were ever to lose my sister, I would go crazy.
13. Parents will have trouble with their children if they try to force them to do what they
      don’t want to do.
14. If Jing Mei’s mother had not tried to force her to be a prodigy, she would have had a
      better relationship with her daughter.
15. If fathers do not spend enough time at home, they will not have a good relationship
      with their children.
16. If my father had not worked so hard, my family would not have been able to
      immigrate to the U.S. to try to find a better life.
17. If women want to have children, they should stay home and take care of the children,
      at least when they are very young.
18. Women would not have the rights that they have today if women long ago had not
       fought for women’s liberation.
19. If my parents had not had a second child, I would have gotten more attention from
      them while I was growing up.
20. If a man and woman love each other, they can solve any problems in their

Proofreading Exercise
Correct the errors in the use of articles, nouns and verbs (indicated in the margin) in the following essay:

a    I know I am a girl and I am 23 years old, which means I cannot be father but
a, v can be mother. But I wonder what kind of father I would be if I was born as a
v boy. I wonder how it feel to be a father.
v    When the first child was born, probably both parents experience the same
feeling - happiness. This exciting moment probably is unforgettable for the rest
a of their lives: “Alleluya, and now we are three in family!” A mother would think
a about necessary stuff that they did not buy yet: carriage, diapers, swaddling
cloths, and so on, while a father probably would dream how he and his son would
v-2 go fishing and talk about men’s stuff. If I was a father, I will fantasize how we
v-3 will buy the first bike and I teach him how to ride it; I will buy lots of toys, tons
v-3 of toys; I will see his first grades and we do homework together; we will have a
v-2, a serious adult talk when he grew up and meet his new girlfriend; I will give him a
v keys to our family mini-van for a night so he could go to a disco. And as I will
v try to be a good father, I will let my child have all this enjoyment.
v,a-2,      Then there is also a big responsibilities that fall on father’s shoulders with
sg, a their first baby. He is a head of a family, and he is responsible for the safety and
prosperity of its members. So I would go to work, bring money back home and
a support my family. I would do almost anything to be happy family (except
a cleaning the house and doing the laundry). I would walk a dog on a rainy day, if
my child was interested in having a pet at home. On the weekends we as a whole
v, a family will travel upstate and go camping for a couple nights. We would do the
v rock climbing, hiking, fishing, and rafting there. I will introduce my child to
v wildlife and teach him how to treat it with care. I did not mention, if I was a
v, a-2 father, I will move away from industrial, polluted and very noisy city to the
better, calm, fresh, nice and historical neighborhood, preferably near the water.
v Yes, that is my dream if I would be a father … We also will go to the city’s
v, a museums, galleries, and performances because I want my child to be well
a, v educated and interesting person. At the early age, I will introduce him to different
v hobbies: swimming, painting, basketball, singing, and sculpture. It is very
v important to show him how many fascinating things are out there. And it’s
a, v essential to do this at early age because he cannot  refuse it yet. Then my child
v-3, a will grow up to be wise and clever person who will succeed in his future. And I’ll
be proud of him.
   Maybe it is interesting to be a father and experience different feelings than a
a-2 mother. Who knows? But I will be mother. My brother will be father. And we
a both will try to do our best in education of our children. It will happen sometime
in the future. But now, I think I will go and call my family and tell them how
much I love them.

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